Infant Dental Care Archives - The Medford Center

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Medford, MA 02155

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Infant Dental Care

10 Tips to Help You Brush Your Kids’ Teeth
added on: November 15, 2023

Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the essential aspects of a child’s well-being. Teaching your kids how to brush their teeth is a fundamental step in ensuring their dental health and protecting their tiny teeth against trouble. Establishing good oral care habits from a young age sets them on… Read More…

When Should Your Child Go to the Dentist for the First Time?
added on: November 3, 2023

As a parent, it’s natural to have many questions about your child’s healthcare. Dental care is no different. One common concern is when to take your child to see a pediatric dentist in Medford for the first time. Ensuring good oral health from an early age is vital, and the… Read More…

A Parent’s Guide to Nurturing Kids’ Teeth
added on: August 16, 2023

As parents, we know that our children’s well-being is our top priority, and one crucial aspect of their health is their oral care. From the very first baby tooth to the emergence of a confident grin, each stage of dental development plays a vital role in kids’ overall health, development,… Read More…

How Can I Help My Child With Teething Pain?
added on: November 28, 2022

All parents look forward to seeing their child’s first tiny tooth. However, the time leading up to this momentous event can be tough on kids and parents alike. When a child is teething, they can be uncomfortable and in pain. But the good news is that your pediatric dentist in… Read More…

4 Myths About Baby Teeth
added on: July 12, 2021
The Medford Center For Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry

Parents and caregivers have a lot to worry about as their children grow up. After all, things change and develop very quickly as infants turn into toddlers and toddlers turn into preschoolers. Dental care is another one of those things that are constantly changing and needs attention just like everything… Read More…

Can Allergies Harm Your Kid’s Teeth? 
added on: May 13, 2021
The Medford Center For Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry

From brushing habits to sugar intake and how often you visit your pediatric dentist in Medford, there are a lot of things that can affect your kid’s oral health. But can allergies actually be one of those things that can harm your kid’s teeth and increase his risk for cavities? … Read More…

At What Age Should Your Child First See a Pediatric Dentist?
added on: March 19, 2021
happy toddler

When you’re a new parent, there are a lot of firsts that you don’t want to miss. From your baby’s first birthday to his first steps and his first word, these milestones are special to any new mom or dad. But there’s another first that should be on your mind… Read More…

How Long Does Teething Last? 
added on: March 10, 2021
The Medford Center For Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry

There’s nothing quite like the excitement of waiting for your child’s first tooth to erupt. But unfortunately, this excitement is also paired with a little bit of dread. After all, tooth eruption is uncomfortable and brings all of the unwanted side effects of teething, such as excessive drooling, irritability, and… Read More…

Early Childhood Dental Issues Every Parent Needs to Be Aware Of
added on: December 14, 2020
toddler exclaiming

We do everything we can to make sure our children stay healthy, from encouraging them to eat healthy foods to getting active and, of course, taking good care of their teeth. But did you know that there are some early childhood dental issues that may not seem too concerning on… Read More…